PokéBeach Big Brother Wiki
You awake in a cold sweat, back in your room....Was that all just a dream?You attempt to get up out of your bed, but find it a little more difficult because of the mace that's now laying on your stomach.
...Not a dream. - BB4 Update

The Mace of Misfortune is an advantage in BB4.



The Mace of Misfortune can be used at any time during a Death Ceremony, before a houseguest is found dead, ending the ceremony. It can be used only once.


Using this advantage, all votes from that week's Death Ceremony are ignored, and one of the two tagged houseguests (selected by random chance) will be found dead, struck by the mace.

However, usage of the advantage will remove the user's vote weight for the remainder of the game, causing them to be unable to vote until the game ends, or the user dies. This does not apply to jury voting.


This advantage was earned by Lorde at the End of Week Four by crying for help as her action. Through a random draw, Lorde was given a scenario allowing her to obtain the advantage. It was never given to another player or lost until it was broken by the Red Moon in Week Eight.

Impact on the Game

Due to the backlash of losing vote weight for the rest of the game, Lorde was quickly against using the Mace in the mid-game in which she received it. Strategizing to keep the advantage a secret until the late-game where losing her vote left less damage, she kept the Mace behind her back during Death Ceremonies, until it was eventually broken by the Red Moon, leaving not much more than a strategic decision behind in the wind for Lorde, and the game.
