PokéBeach Big Brother Wiki
Houseguest Profile
Nickname Coltyn
Season History
Big Brother 14: Grimm
Status Evicted
Place 12th
Votes Against 5
Loyalties Darcie
HoH Wins 0
Times Nominated 1 (Week 2)
Veto Wins 0
Big Brother 15: Purgatory
Status Jury Member
Place 4th
Votes Against 1
Loyalties Draskk
HoH Wins 1 (Day 21)
Times Nominated 1 (Week 7)
Veto Wins 0

Coltyn was a houseguest on BB14 and BB15.

Gameplay Personality[]

I controlled noms, absolute Poggers - Coltyn, BB14

Big Brother 14: Grimm[]

In BB14, Coltyn began the game by reaching out to many of his fellow Houseguests and attempting to make strong social connections. This placed him in a fairly decent position in the first week of the game. When the all-girls alliance was leaked to him, he confronted Alexis and she added him to it, attempting to fix the situation. Along with his in to the all-girls alliance, he created a boys alliance to keep them in his good graces. However, some people saw through him and knew he could be a social threat. With this and some of his connections slipping, Lexy was able to convince the house to send him out the door, and he was evicted week 2.

Comp History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Alexis Yes
2 Post-POV Nominee

Big Brother 15: Purgatory[]

Comp History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 2 HOH Loss
Demon Chamber Abstained
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
Demon Chamber Abstained
POV Loss
Demon Chamber Abstained
POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 6 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Loss
POV Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Taylen Yes
2 Darcie Yes
3 LC No
4 Almonds Yes
5 FK No
6 LC Yes
7 Nominated
Finale Jury Member Draskk Yes